Random Power Prayer

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The Incredible Power of Prayer

Woman Praying

The Power of Prayer

The Inexplicable, Inimitable, Inexhaustible, Irrefutable Power of Heartfelt Prayer. 

Prayer can move mountains. Literally. It can also pay your power bill, your rent, manifest dinner, heal a broken heart, fix a damaged family, and in all other ways Save the Day. 

You just need to know how to do it correctly.  That’s what you are going to learn here. 

The Power Prayer Formula

Step by step instructions for effective prayer. Finally have your prayers heard and answered. The formula that guarantees that the angels will hear your prayer, and immediately get to work for you. Yours FREE!
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Chances are that no one ever taught you how to pray. That’s ok because most people don’t really know. There are multiple stories in the bible that describe Jesus demonstrating correct prayer, and the dramatic accounts of witnesses who were fortunate enough to to see Jesus speaking directly to his father. It was a big deal. It should be a big deal. You are talking to God after all. 

Prayer is an Event. An Occurrence. It’s not an afterthought, or something that is done in passing. It is passionate, and real. It is the honest desire of a pure spirit speaking to its creator.  

If the prayer is done correctly and honestly, it is taken directly to the divine by his messengers; the angels. Who then assigns your prayer to a suitable angel or angels, who immediately start making your prayer come true.

If your prayer needs special care and power to manifest; The archangels step in, and act as supervisors for the angels to ensure that your prayer is answered without causing any harm or disruption.

The power of prayer is something that no one should ever dismiss. It eases the mind and body and deepens your connection to the divine. Your creator wants you to pray!

The Benefits of Prayer

Some people may dismiss the practice of prayer as fantasy. However, there are demonstrable benefits that can be observed in those that practice prayer and meditation for extended periods of time.

Psychologist Michelle Roya Rad identifies a number of benefits that prayer can have for people in her article for Huffington Post

These include:

  1. Creates a sense of optimism and gratitude towards one’s life and the people around them.
  2. See things from a broader perspective.
  3. Help in focus and concentration.
  4. Allow one to forgive things in the past and move on with their lives.
  5. Improve their comfort levels and increase self-confidence.


This is not just anecdotal evidence. Several studies have also been done over the years that suggest that prayer and meditation can help with relationships. A study conducted in 2017 looked at couples who prayed for their partner and found that there was a higher likelihood of forgiveness in the relationship.

There has also been a demonstrable benefit to those who are suffering with depression and anxiety. A 2009 study showed that when people prayed in small groups “participants receiving the prayer intervention showed significant improvement of depression and anxiety.”

Finally a study conducted in 2011 showed that when people prayed for those that had wronged them in some way, their feelings of anger lessened.

Divine Connection

Connection to the Divine

Another benefit of prayer, although one that science will never explore, is how prayer strengthens your connection to the divine.

Regular prayer allows you to communicate with the divine and helps you find your purpose in your life. The calming and centering effects of prayer can help with many aspects of your daily life. Feeling empowered and purposeful in what you do is just one of aspect of this.

And of course prayer can be used to reliably manifest what you need! So long as you understand how to pray correctly. 

Explore the miraculous and beautiful works of prayer in this area of By Love and Light. The navigation menu on the right has prayer categories for you to explore, learn, and grow from.

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