What Do Angels Look Like?
Many of us are familiar with the common idea of what an angel looks like. A robed, human, figure that has white wings. Sometimes they may be carrying staves or harps. They have halos around their heads and appear all in white. Sometimes they may look like a small child with rosy cheeks.

Angelic Appearance
This common idea of the look of angels comes from many medieval and renaissance artists. These depictions of angles having human forms with halos and wings are far more relatable than the other forms that they can appear in. As spiritual beings’ angels are not bound by the normal limits of appearance that we are. They can take on many forms, some stranger than others, and while these forms can be strange and other worldly. The holy spirit guides and directs all of them with compassion and love. Much like what the divine does for each of us every day.
Spirit Form
Angels may take the form of a spirit. Invisible and undefined, but present. This is the most common way to encounter an angel. Angels known as Virtues most commonly take this form. They may emit light or seem to be a whisp of light, dancing in the air. The Virtues are primarily responsible for helping others and control the elements. They commonly assist with miracles and seek to help people strengthen their faith in the divine.

Human Form
The word angel has its roots in the word, angelos, itself deriving from the Hebrew word for messenger, Mal’akh. The name for the messenger angels, Malakim, is derived from this root as well.
This is also a common way for people to encounter an angel, when they are delivering important messages from the divine.
When doing so they can take the form of an ordinary person. In Genesis 18:1,2 angels in human guise came to meet Abraham. In these descriptions we see no mention of them having wings like we imagine today.
However, there will often be something different about them that gives away their nature. Be it something about their appearance or dress, angels still show what they are even when we don’t recognize it right away.
However, there are other, stranger appearances that angels can take on.

Multiple Wings
The Seraphim are angles that are said to have six wings, using only one pair to fly. The others were described as covering the body, both upper and lower.
“Above it stood the seraphim’s: each one had six wings; with twain, he covered his face, and with twain, he covered his feet, and with twain, he did fly. And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory.” — Isaiah 6:2, 3
More details are offered later in the book of Revelation. Where the wings of the Seraphim are described as being covered in eyes. Some traditions hold them as having come from the celestial fire as well.
This is not what we normally think of when we hear the word angel. A six-winged person that is covered in eyes. However, this is not the strangest appearance that angels can take on.

Multiple Heads
Angles have been described as having much more strange appearances than what we have talked about above. In the book of Ezekiel angles known as the Cherubim are described as having multiple heads. One head was that of a lion, another an ox, another an eagle, and the last being that of a man.
These Cherubim were described as having hooves of polished brass and had multiple pairs of wings. With two to four pairs being the most common. The Cherubim are said to have other slight differences in their appearance over the centuries. However, the multiple heads and wings has remained a constant appearance for them.
Despite this odd look, the Cherubim do not have the strangest forms that an angel can take on.

Many Eyed Rings of Fire
While the appearance of the Cherubim is strange, they pale in comparison to the appearance of the Ophanim. These angels were described in Ezekiel 1:15,21. Being made of two pairs of rings studded with eyes. The rings are interlinked and made of fiery gold, and the Ophanim fly around the throne of God with the Cherubim. The Ophanim are the ones tasked with guarding the throne of God (they are sometimes called “thrones”) and are ranked among the highest choirs of angels.

Strange Appearances
While most people will never directly see an angel in their lives, the accurate descriptions of what angels look like is much stranger than what we commonly think of. They can be truly awe inspiring and strange to us in appearance, however, as strange as they may seem, angels are loving and compassionate beings. They are the messengers of the divine and bring with them the light and love that the divine has for each and every one of us.

The video below shows artistic renderings of angels based on biblical descriptions. Some people don’t like the images. Proceed with caution.